Qwik Date
Qwik calendar, simple integration.
August 2024
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
> Installation <
npm install qwik-date
> Usage <
import { CalendarInline } from 'qwik-date/inline' //-> inline mode
import { Calendar } from 'qwik-date' //-> inline mode
import { DatePicker } from 'qwik-date' //-> popup mode
import { DatePicker } from 'qwik-date/picker' //-> popup mode
> API Reference <
~Inline mode~
Prop | Description | Default |
date | Default date to be used in the calendar | today |
fullWeeks | Displays full weeks in the calendar | false |
locale | Locale and regional settings for the calendar | 'en' |
showWeekNumber | Displays the week number in the calendar | false |
showDaysOfWeek | Displays the days of the week in the calendar | true |
iconLeft | Icon to display on the left side of the calendar | undefined |
iconRight | Icon to display on the right side of the calendar | undefined |
containerProps | Props to be passed to the calendar's container | - |
headerProps | Props to be passed to the calendar's header | - |
actionButtonProps | Props for action buttons in the calendar | - |
actionLeftProps | Props for the left action | - |
actionRightProps | Props for the right action | - |
calendarProps | Props to be passed to the calendar's container | - |
theadProps | Props to be passed to the thead element of the calendar | - |
tbodyProps | Props to be passed to the tbody element of the calendar | - |
theadRowProps | Props to be passed to the rows of the thead | - |
tbodyRowProps | Props to be passed to the rows of the tbody | - |
headerCellProps | Props to be passed to the header cells | - |
cellProps | Props to be passed to the body cells of the calendar | - |
dayButtonProps | Props for the buttons representing each day in the calendar | - |
iconProps | Props to be passed to the icons of the calendar | - |
titleProps | Props to be passed to the calendar's title | - |
weekNumberProps | Props to be passed to the week numbers in the calendar | - |
onDateChange$ | Callback function triggered when the date changes in the calendar | undefined |
unStyled | Disables default styling | false |
bind:date | Signal with the default date | undefined |
~Popup mode~
Got the same props as the inline mode, but also accepts the following props:
Prop | Description | Default |
triggerProps | Props to be passed to the trigger button | undefined |
triggerIcon | Icon component to be displayed in the trigger button | undefined |
triggerLabel | Label for the trigger button | undefined |